1. Dental Implants are the best missing tooth/teeth replacement option that dentistry has to offer.
When I began practicing 21 years ago, dental implants were far from the mainstream dental practice. When a patient had a missing tooth or teeth, removable partial dentures or fixed bridges were prescribed far more often than implant-supported crowns or dentures. There has been a dramatic shift in the last ten years as long-term studies are beginning to show how reliable and long-lasting implants are.
2. They can and do last for life!
Our bone loves titanium! This is the basis behind the long-term success of implant dentistry. When an implant is connected to the bone and then connected to a restoration (crown, bridge, or denture,) that connection lasts indefinitely. Our bodies build bone right up to the surface of the implant, and as long as we use our teeth (as in chewing), the bone-implant connection remains super-strong.

3. Even if you have been suffering from ill-fitting partial or complete dentures, something can be done. Advances in imaging, design, and processing have made it possible for someone with poorly fitting and functioning dentures to have implants placed under those dentures and take them from a poorly working, difficult to keep in, and really hard to eat with a denture to one that is fixed to implants. Implant retained dentures, a denture fixed to implants is like having teeth fixed to our jaws – the system that we were born with – it just works!

4. The planning makes the procedure a breeze.
At Kelly Jorn Cook, DDS, everything we do, from a warm, kind team, the continued training in advancements within the dental field, and the advanced technology and services we have right in our office, is designed to make our patients have the best possible experience.
As a dental implants specialist in Chandler, I have personally taken over 400 hours of continuing education in the fields of both implant placement (surgery) and restoration.
Our office is one of a limited number of dental practices that use Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) right in our office to plan and guide implants’ placement properly. This technology allows us to see, measure, plan and guide your implant case in 3D. We also use the CEREC same-day abutment and crown unit, which further uses cutting-edge technology to restore teeth in a much shorter time than traditional impression and 3-week-wait dentistry.
5. Your comfort is ensured.
Although the surgical procedure for placing dental implants is exquisite and pain-free, many of my patients request being sedated for implant placement procedures. I am licensed to provide sedation dentistry with IV medications that safely and comfortably place my patients in a state of moderate sedation.
Should you consider dental implants? Is a dental implant the best solution for you? Are there other restoration choices? How long does the procedure take? Read more about restoration dentistry with dental implants.
Cosmetic Dentist
Kelly Jorn Cook, DDS
3800 West Ray Road, Suite 19
Chandler, AZ 85226